Performance Management and Video Games
If corporations can spend thousands on CRM software to make the customer experience better, why can't they invest in the staff experience?
My wife Marie works in a call centre where metrics are everything. Every breath staff take is monitored, they lose points every time they go to the toilet (not really) and there are graphs of everything everywhere. But who gets to see these vital key performance indicators? The bosses. The staff see them, but don't understand them.
This flies right in the face of a great truth: Feedback is the breakfast of champions. If you don't know how you're doing, how can you do better?
Perhaps the management thinking goes like this: all those facts and figures won't interest the staff. They can't be bothered with things like that.
But let's look at some popular pastimes - sports and computer games. And most of these involve tons and tons of statistics. Whenever there's a rugby game on here, we get detailed stats on each player - age, height, number of tries scored, average this, that and the other.
Then there's computer games. This time you're the key player with all the stats showing. And you need to watch you don't run out of ammo, or your right shield is down, or whatever.
Here's a challenge to CRM software makers - make the working experience more like the gaming experience.
What do you reckon?
Games are the hottest thing on the market, much like Generation Y films. The famous old 18-34 demog is a huge upseller...and, research shows that if you target offerings to this segment -- there's oodles of green to be made.
My take is that what bedevils poor Marie and her colleagues is something that will go the way of the dodo in a short time. Kids are more savvy to the whole stat assault thing, and there's eventually going to be a grassroots demand for this sort of thing.
Think about it like this, it's like something Matt told me recently. We're all going to be that much smarter, that much more informed, that much more analytical -- it doesn't mean we're going to apply the information with any greater degree of competence.
Great post.
Brunch, actually, for this champion...
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